Adding a new dimension to DFT calculations of solids ...
WIEN2k/WIEN97/WIEN95 Publications
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Karlheinz Schwarz
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- First-principle analysis of hydrogen storage potentials in vanadium hydride perovskites XVH3 (X = Li, K)
Anupam , Shyam Lal Gupta , Sumit Kumar , Ashwani Kumar , Sanjay Panwar , Diwaker, Journal of Energy Storage, 108, 114961, 2025
- In2F2 monolayer: a new class of two-dimensional materials with negative Poisson's ratio and topological phase
Shahram Yalameha, Javad Zahmatkesh, Fatemeh Zamanian, Z. Nourbakhsh, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2025
- First-principles study on the physical properties of Al-based wide-bandgap perovskites Cs3AlIxBr6-x for optoelectronic applications
Hussain Ahmed*, Surayya Mukhtar and Simeon Agathopoulos, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 40, 3, (2025)
- Electronic structure and chemical bonding in smart anti-corrosion coatings
Lyudmila Viktorovna Dobysheva, Feodor Feodorovich Chausov, Natalya Valentinovna Lomova, Materials Today Communications 29, 102892, 2021
- The Stability of TiO2 Phases Studied Using r2SCAN in the Hubbard-Corrected Density Functional Theory
Jared Pohlmann, Manjula Raman, Lily Bonds, and Kenneth Park, Molecules, 30, 560, 2025
- DFT+U and QTAIM Insights into Magnetic and Optoelectronic Properties, and Bonding Analyses of Europium-Hexafluorozirconate (EuZrF6)
H Bouafia, B Sahli, G Ugur, S Ugur, Materials Chemistry and Physics 332 (2025) 130295
- 4f Electron Localization–Delocalization studies in CeMg3 and PrMg3 alloys under Pressure
K. Rout, S.K. Mohanta, S.R. Khandual, P.K. Swain, S.N. Mishra, Computational Material Science 247, 113514 (2025)
- Influence of SnBi Antisite Defects on the Electronic Band Structure and Transport Properties of the Layered Chalcogenide Semiconductor SnBi2Te4
Ilayda Terzi, Kacper Pryga, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Petr Levinský, Soufiane El Oualid, Sylvie Migot, Jaafar Ghanbaja, Christine Gendarme, Thierry Schweitzer, Bernard Malaman, Gérard Le Caër, Bertrand Lenoir, Christophe Candolfi, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, 18976 (2024)
- The alloyed cementite (Fe-Ni-Cr)3C: local environment, atomic magnetic moments, and magnetization from DFT calculation
Dobysheva L.V., Physica B: Condensed Matter 690, 2024, 416279
- First-principles study on rare earth-based equiatomic quaternary Heusler alloys YbCoCrSb and YbCoTiSn: New candidates for spintronics
V. Aravindan, V. Vijayanarayanan, B. Karuppasamy, K. Sakthipandi, M. Mahendran, Materials Today Communications, 39, 108599, 2024
- First-principles study on the stability and optoelectronic properties of the novel C6O2 nanostructure
Shirin Amirian, Hamidreza Alborznia, Shahram Yalameha, Solid State Communications, 394, 115693, (2024).
- Numerical study of the temperature-dependent magnetization and susceptibility of Tm3+ in LiTmF4
Leila Mollabashi, S. Jalali-Asadabadi, Czesław Rudowicz, Muhammed Acikgoz, Zahra Ghasemi-Dorcheh, Reyhaneh Ebrahimi-Jaberi, Mahdi Jalali-Asadabadi, Shahrbano Rahimi, and Farhad Jalali-Asadabadi, Phys. Rev. B 110, 054440 (2024)
- Ab initio Investigation of quasi-one-dimensional ternary chalcogenides Sr2ZnX3 (X = S, Se, Te) for efficient photovoltaic and thermoelectric applications
Chethan V. and Mahendra M., Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 194, 2024, 112222
- Comprehensive study on structural, electronic, optical, elastic, and transport properties of natural mercury sulphohalides via DFT computation
M. Hariharan, R. D. Eithiraj, Scientific Reports, 14, 18593, 2024
- Structural, electronic, and optical characteristics of BaXCl3 (X = Li, Na) perovskites
Chaba Mouna, S; Kara, H , et.al., Materials Science & Engineering B, 308, 117578, 2024
- A Comprehensive Density Functional Theory Analysis on Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of BiOF
Boran, Y ; Kara, H , Brazilian Journal of Physics , 54, 5, 159, (2024).
- First-principles calculation of structural, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of Li3TrAs2 (Tr= Al, Ga)
A Vijay, RD Eithiraj, Optik, 311,171926, 2024
- Revisiting DFT+U calculations of TiO2 and the effect of the local-projection size
Kenneth Park, Manjula Raman, Anjy-Joe Olatunbosun, Jared Pohlmann, AIP Advances, 14, 065114, 2024
- Optoelectronic and thermoelectric properties of novel double halide perovskites Na2AgAsX6 (X= Cl, Br) for efficient green solar cells
Samir Charef, Abdenacer Assali, Abdelkader Boukortt , Material today communication, 38, 1008065, 2024
- A comprehensive computational investigation on the physical properties of the chalcogenide ternary Y2ZnX4 (Y = In, Ga; X = S, Se) compounds
Yaser Asadi, Shahram Yalameha, Zahra Nourbakhsh, Computational Condensed Matter, e00913, (2024)
- Perovskenes: two-dimensional perovskite-type monolayer materials predicted by first-principles calculations
M. Naseri, S. Amirian, M. Faraji, M. A. Rashid, M. P. Lourenço, V. Thangadurai, D. R. Salahub, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26, 946-957 (2024)
- A comprehensive DFT study of the optoelectronic, mechanical, and thermoelectric properties of Rb2NaScCl6 double perovskite implying different pressures
M. H. Fahim, M. A. Rashid, M. R. Amin, Materials Today Communications 38, 108093 (2024)
- Half-metallic Na-based half-Heusler alloys as potential spintronic materials
Y. Naimi, A. Jafari, M. A. Rashid, Optical and Quantum Electronics 56, 691 (2024)
- Investigation of lead-free direct bandgap Ca2MAsO6 (M = Ga, In) double perovskites for optoelectronic and thermoelectric applications: A first principles study
A. Raihan, M. A. Rashid, M. H. Fahim, A. Hossain, M. R. Amin; , Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 177, 108356 (2024)
- Combined DFT and MD simulation approach for the investigation of intrinsic material properties of T phase Rb2Se monolayer
G Sneha, RD Eithiraj, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 112020, 2024
- Ab initio studies of newly proposed zirconium based novel combinations of hydride perovskites ZrXH3 (X = Zn, Cd) as hydrogen storage applications
Anupam, Shyam Lal Gupta, Sumit Kumar, Sanjay Panwar, Diwaker, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 55, 1465-1475, 2024
- Investigating solid solutions: Geometric transformations triggered by germanium incorporation in Cu2ZnGexSn1−xS4
Mohamed Issam Ziane, Moufdi Hadjab, Meftah Tablaoui, Hamza Bennacer, Mohammed Benali Kanoun, Souraya Goumri-Said, Materials Today Communications, 38, (2024), 107967
- Bandgap engineering of spinel-structured oxide semiconductor alloys
Yuichi Ota, Kentaro Kaneko, Takeyoshi Onuma and Shizuo Fujita, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 57, 255108, (2024)
- Theoretical studies on phase stability, electronic, optical, mechanical and thermal properties of chalcopyrite semiconductors HgXN2 (X=Si, Ge and Sn): A comprehensive DFT analysis
A. Hossain, M.A. Ali, M.M. Uddin, S.H. Naqib, M.M. Hossain, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 172, 108092, 2024.
- DFT aided prediction of phase stability, optoelectronic and thermoelectric properties of A2AuScX6 (A= Cs, Rb; X= Cl, Br, I) double perovskites for energy harvesting technology
S. Mahmud, M.A. Ali, M.M. Hossain, M.M. Uddin , Vacuum 221, 112926, 2024,
- Investigations on the electronic, optical, thermoelectric and thermodynamic properties of quaternary coinage metal HgSeBr: A DFT study
Hariharan M, R D Eithiraj, Physica Scripta, 3, 035937, 2024.
- Mechanical and dynamical stability, electronic and bonding properties of a new narrow-gap semiconductor YPdAs Half-Heusler: DFT and QTAIM study
M Lazab, B Djebour, H Bouafia, M Bousmaha, B Sahli, K Boudia, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 173, 108160, 2024
- DFT study of RhTiP half Heusler semiconductor: Revealing its mechanical, optoelectronic, and thermoelectric properties
Shubha Dubey, Jisha A. Abraham, Kumud Dubey, Vineet Sahu, Anchit Modi, G. Pagare, N.K. Gaur, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 672, 415452, 2024
- Predictive analysis of a new FeVTe alloy from first principles: An excellent choice for thermoelectric applications
Nelson O. Nenuwe, Ayodeji S. Yebovi, Computational Condensed Matter, 38, e00882, 2024
- An investigation of the 2D Rb2O monolayer intrinsic properties from a theoretical perspective using DFT
S. Chellaiya Thomas Rueshwin, R.D. Eithiraj, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids Volume 187, 111855, 2024
- Structural, electronic, magnetic, and thermoelectric properties of full-Heusler alloys A2CoS (A=Cu, Zn) for spintronic application via conceptual DFT study
M. Hariharan, A. Vijay, Jose Luis Cabellos, Norah Algethami, S. Parthiban, R.D. Eithiraj, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids Volume 187, 111858, 2024
- Nonzero spontaneous electric polarization in metals: novel predictive methods and applications
Shahrbano Rahimi, S. Jalali-Asadabadi, Peter Blaha, and Farhad Jalali-Asadabadi, Scientific Reports 14, 672 (2024)
- Structural, electronic, magnetic, and thermoelectric properties of newly predicted Fe2CoS and Ni2CoS alloys for spintronics applications: A DFT study
M Hariharan, RD Eithiraj, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 589, 171553, 2024
- Anisotropic mechanical behavior and thermal attributes of antiferromagnetic UX2(X=P, As, Sb) materials: A density functional and elasticity theories study
Reyhaneh Ebrahimi-Jaberi and S. Jalali-Asadabadi, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 312, 128590, (2024)
- Synthesis and Magnetic Microstructure of Ternary Ordered Fe–Al–M (M= Ga, B, Sn, V, Mn) Alloys
Voronina, E.V., Abdullin, A.F., Ivanova, A.G., L. V. Dobysheva, A. V. Korolev, A. K. Arzhnikov, J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 136, 89–96 (2023)
- Hydrogen-bond Peculiarities in Nitrilotris-(Methylenephosphonato)-Three-aqua-Iron(II) from XRD Experiment and. DFT Calculation
Lyudmila V. Dobysheva and Feodor F. Chausov, ChemistrySelect 8, Issue 12, e202205040, 2023
- Ab initio studies of Electronic Structure and magnetic properties of RAl(Mg)3 (R= Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm and Gd) alloys
Kabita Rout, S.K. Mohanta, P.K. Swain, S.N. Mishra, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 669 (2023) 415307
- Origin of the success of mGGAs for bandgaps
Peter Kovacs; Peter Blaha and Georg K. H. Madsen, J. Chem. Phys. 159, 244118 (2023)
- How to verify the precision of density-functional-theory implementations via reproducible and universal workflows
E Bosoni, L Beal, M Bercx, P Blaha, S Blügel, J Bröder, M Callsen, ... G Pizzi, Nature Reviews Physics, 1-14 (2023)
- Electronic and ionic effects of sulphur and other acidic adsorbates on the surface of an SOFC cathode material
M Siebenhofer, A Nenning, GE Wilson, JA Kilner, C Rameshan, M Kubicek, J Fleig, P Blaha, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 11, 7213-7226 (2023)
- Large topological hall effect and spiral magnetic order in the Weyl Semimetal SmAlSi
X Yao, J Gaudet, R Verma, DE Graf, HY Yang, F Bahrami, R Zhang, A Aczel, S Subedi, D Torchinsky, J Sun, A Bansil, S Huang, B Singh, P Blaha, P Nikolić, F Tafti, Physical Review X 13, 011035 (2023)
- DFT + U Simulation of the X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure of Bulk UO2 and PuO2
JL Chen, P Blaha, N Kaltsoyannis, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127, 17994 (2023)
- First-principles insight onto structural, elastic and thermodynamical properties of quaternary CoFeTiSn Heusler alloy
Gitanjali Pagare, Shubha Dubey, N K Gaur, AIP Conf. Proc. 2800, 020095, 2023
- Electronic Band Structure, Antiferromagnetism, and the Nature of Chemical Bonding in La2CuO4
V. G. Orlov, G. S. Sergeev, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 137, 95, 2023
- The quest for optimal photovoltaics: A theoretical exploration of quasi-one-dimensional tin based chalcogenides "XSnS3" (X=Ba, Sr)
Chethan V., Sujith C. P., Thomas Mathew and Mahendra M., Materials Today Communications, 37, 107501, 2023
- Electronic properties of half-Heusler compounds XCrSb (X= Fe, Ru, Os): Potential applications as spintronics and high-performance thermoelectric materials
Nenuwe, O. Nelson and E. Omugbe, current-applied-physics, 49, 70-77, 2023
- Active Bi layers of lead titanate for optoelectronic applications—computational full potential study
DS Jayalakshmi, G Subhashree, R Pooja, 2350037,2023
- Energetic, mechanical and dynamical stability, electronic and bonding properties of new antiperovskite nitrides Y3AlN and Y3GaN: DFT and QTAIM investigation
A. Kadri, H. Bouafia, S. Hiadsi, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 667, 2023, 415212
- Electronic, optical and sodium K edge XANES in disodium helide: a DFT study
R. D. Eithiraj, Scientific Reports, 13, 16978, 2023
- Investigation of the structural, mechanical, optoelectronic and, thermoelectric characteristics of cubic GeTiO3: An ab initio study
Mumtaz Manzoor , Debidatta Behera , Ramesh Sharma , Muhammad Waqas Iqbal , Sanat Kumar Mukherjee , Rabah Khenata , Saleh S. Alarfaji , Huda A. Alzahrani , Materials Today Communications, Volume 34, 105053, 2023
- Investigations on the thermoelectric and thermodynamic properties of quaternary coinage metal HgSBr
M Hariharan, RD Eithiraj, Heliyon, 9, 2023
- Exploring bonding nature, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of ternary compound Na2ZnCl4 via first-principles calculations
A Vijay, RD Eithiraj, Chinese Journal of Physics, 84, 189-197, 2023
- Exploring chemical bonding nature, weak exciton effect, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of NaReN2 via DFT computations
A. Vijay, M. Hariharana, Jose Luis Cabellos, R. D. Eithiraj, Chemical Physics, 571, 111942, 2023
- Structural, electronic, optical, and thermoelectric properties of 2D honeycomb-like 1T-Rb2S monolayer: A DFT study
G Sneha, S Chellaiya Thomas Rueshwin, RD Eithiraj, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids Volume 181, 111560, 2023
- Ferroelectric, electronic and magnetic properties of Mn2ScMO6 (M = Nb, Ta) double corundum oxides via first principles
Akbar Ali, H. I. Elsaeedy, Izaz Ul Haq, Imad Khan, Applied Physics A, 129, 593, (2023).
- Investigations of the structural, magnetic, mechanical, electronic and ferroelectric properties of Mn2MnWO6 double corundum oxide
Akbar Ali, H. Elhosiny Ali, Imad Khan, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 296 127197, (2023).
- Magnetic phase transition and variation in physical properties of Mn2MnB′O6 (B′ = Mo, Sb) via strain engineering
Akbar Ali, Iftikhar Ahmad, Imad Khan, Materials Today Communications, 36, 106830, (2023).
- Structural and optoelectronic properties of CsLnZnTe3 (Ln = La, Pr, Nd and Sm)
Imad Khan, Ihsan Ullah, Izaz Ul Haq, Akbar Ali, A. Dahshan, Zahid Ali, Iftikhar Ahmad, Journal of Rare Earths, 41, 388-396, (2023).
- Software implementation for calculating Chern and Z2 topological invariants of crystalline solids with WIEN2k all-electron density functional package
A.F. Gomez-Bastidas and O. Rubel, Computer Physics Communications, 292, 108864 (2023)
- Band unfolding with a general transformation matrix: From code implementation to interpretation of photoemission spectra
O. Rubel, J.B. Moussy, P. Foulquier, V. Brouet, Computer Physics Communications 291, 108800 (2023)
- NMR study of Ni50+xTi50-x Strain-Glass
Rui Li, Jacob Santiago, Daniel Salas, Ibrahim Karaman, and Joseph H. Ross Jr., Phys. Rev. B 107, 144207 (2023)
- Assessing the Surface Chemistry of 2D Transition Metal Carbides (MXenes): A Combined Experimental/Theoretical sup>13C Solid State NMR Approach
Florian Brette, Dani Kourati, Michael Paris, Lola Loupias, Stéphane Célérier, Thierry Cabioc’h, Michael Deschamps, Florent Boucher, and Vincent Mauchamp, Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, 4003, 2023
- Fluorine derivatives of piceatannol for photobiological and photophysical applications by DFT approach
Maliheh Azadparvar, H.A. Rahnamaye Aliabad, E. Rezaei-Seresht, Iftikhar Ahmad, H. Sharafi , Chemical Physics Letters, 828, 140732, 2023
- First principle study of the optoelectronic properties of pyrazinamide drug
H.A. Rahnamaye Aliabad, Maliheh Azadparvar, Behnam Mahdavi, R Golestani, Muhammad Khalid, Z Choopani, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 55, 714, 2023
- Optoelectronic and thermoelectric properties of Sb2S3 under hydrostatic pressure for energy conversion
Maliheh Azadparvar, H. A. Rahnamaye Aliabad, Evren G Özdemir, AIP Advances,13, 65218, 2023
- DFT study of sertraline hydrochloride antidepressant drug
H. A. Rahnamaye Aliabad, B Mahdavi, Maliheh Azadparvar, R Golestani, Z Choopani, Journal of molecular modeling, 29, 144, 2023
- Effects of the Hubbard potential on the NMR shielding and optoelectronic properties of BiMnVO5 compound
H. A. Rahnamaye Aliabad, Muhammad Aamir Iqbal, F Amiri-Shookoh, Nadia Anwar, Sunila Bakhsh, Iván D Arellano-Ramírez, Scientific Reports, 13, 5816, 2023
- Comparative DFT calculations on Bismuth-based compounds: new connection between optoelectronic properties and 209Bi and 51V NMR and EFG
F Amiri-Shookoh, H. A. Rahnamaye Aliabad, H Tavakoli-Anbaran, Indian Journal of Physics, 97, 797, 2023
- Natural band alignment of MgO1−xSx alloys
Yuichi Ota, Kentaro Kaneko, Takeyoshi Onuma, Shizuo Fujita, AIP Advances 13, 055304 (2023)
- New insights into band inversion and topological phase of TiNI monolayer
Shahram Yalameha, Zahra Nourbakhsh, Mohammad Saeed Bahramy, Daryoosh Vashaee, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (17), 12182-12191, (2023).
- Effect of hydrostatic strain on the mechanical properties and topological phase transition of bi-alkali pnictogen NaLi2Bi
Seyed mohammad bagher Malek Hosseini, Shahram Yalameha, Physica Scripta, 98, 045905, (2023)
- Erratum: “ElATools: A tool for analyzing anisotropic elastic properties of the 2D and 3D materials” [Comput. Phys. Commun. 271 (2022) 108195]
Shahram Yalameha, Zahra Nourbakhsh, and Daryoosh Vashaee, Computer Physics Communications, 288, 108728, (2023)
- Co2CrAl Heuslerene: Mechanical, Thermodynamic and Electronic Properties
Arash Boochani, Moein Asshabi, Jabbar Khodadadi, Elmira Sartipi, Morteza Jamal, Jamshid Sabbagzadeh, Masoud Shahrokhi, Malieheh Amiri, Arash Yari, Shahram Solaymani, Amir hossein Sari. and S. Jalali-Asadabadi, Metals 13, 582 (2023)
- Eu2+ luminescence in CaYGaO4 olivine: a new efficient red phosphor for warm illumination
Tao Hu*, Zelong Jiang, Bo Wang, Ting Yu, Dawei Wen,* Qinguang Zeng,Yan Gao*, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023,11, 2153-2161
- Tetrahedrally coordinated rigid crystal structure enables partial self-reduction of mixed-valence europium for optical thermometric application
Zhichao Meng, Yan Gao,* Ji'an Song, Zelong Jiang, Wei Lv, Qingguang Zeng, Dawei Wen*, Tao Hu*, Dalton Trans., 2023, Advance Article
- Unlocking the Potential of Hexagonal Boron Sheets: Giant Improvements in Thermal Conductivity and Mechanics through Molybdenum Intercalation
Mohammad Alidoosti, Davoud Nasr Esfahani, Shahram Yalameha, Daryoosh Vashaee, Materials Today Physics, 32, 101012 (2023)
- DFT computations combined with semiempirical modeling of variations with temperature of spectroscopic and magnetic properties of Gd3+-doped PbTiO3
Muhammed Acikgoz, Leila Mollabashi, Shahrbano Rahimi, Saeid Jalali-Asadabadi, and Czesław Rudowicz, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, 3986 (2023)
- Electronic structure of CeIr3 superconductor: DMFT studies
Sylwia Gutowska, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 547, 168917 (2022)
- TiAl Intermetallic: Electronic Structure and Chemical Shifts
A. A. Lekomtseva and L. V. Dobysheva, Optics and Spectroscopy, 130, No. 8, 480–487, 2022
- Length-gauge optical matrix elements in WIEN2k
O Rubel, P Blaha, Computation 10, 22 (2022)
- Implementation of self-consistent MGGA functionals in augmented plane wave based methods
J Doumont, F Tran, P Blaha, Physical Review B 105, 195138 (2022)
- Correct and accurate polymorphic energy ordering of transition-metal monoxides obtained from semilocal and onsite-hybrid exchange-correlation approximations
A Ghosh, S Jana, MK Niranjan, F Tran, D Wimberger, P Blaha, L. Constantin, P. Samal, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126, 14650 (2022)
- What is the optimal mGGA exchange functional for solids?
P Kovács, F Tran, P Blaha, GKH Madsen, J. Chem. Phys. 157, 094110 (2022)
- First-principles calculations to investigate structural, dynamical, thermodynamic and thermoelectric properties of CdYF3 perovskite
Manzoor, M., Behera, D., Chowdhury, S., Sharma, R., Iqbal, M. W., Mukherjee, S. K., ... & Alzahrani, H, Theoretical Chemistry, 1217, 113928، 2022
- Insights into the aftereffects phenomenon in solids based on DFT and time-differential perturbed $\gamma-\gamma$ angular correlation studies in $^{111}$In ($\rightarrow→$$^{111}$Cd)-doped tin oxides
G. N. Darriba, E. L. Muñoz, D. Richard, A. P. Ayala, A. W. Carbonari, H. M. Petrilli, and M. Rentería, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 105, 195201 (2022)
- Structural, Electronic, and Elastic Properties of FeCrAs Half-metallic Ferromagnetic Half-Heusler Alloy: A First-Principles Study
Shubha Dubey, Kumud Dubey, Vineet Sahu, Anchit Modi, Raees A. Parry, Gitanjali Pagare, N.K. Gaur, Materials Today: Proceedings, 67(1), 2022,12-19
- DFT investigations of AgMC7H10N2 (M = Cl, Br, and I) metal organic molecules: NMR, optoelectronic, and transport properties
M. Samsami, Behnam Azadegan, H. A. Rahnamaye Aliabad, F Amiri-Shookoh, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 28, 136, 2022
- Thermoelectric, optoelectronic and magnetic properties of BaLn2ZnO5 (Ln= Eu, Pr, Sm) insulators by GGA/mBJ+ U exchange-correlation approaches
H. A. Rahnamaye Aliabad, H. Vahidi, M. Samsami, Iftikhar Ahmad, Gulten Kavak Balci, Materials Science and Engineering B, 283, 115772, 2022
- The electronic structure of graphene like C20H10CdN6O8.5 metal-organic nanotube (MONT) based on FP-LAPW: for optoelectronic and thermoelectric devices
H. A. Rahnamaye Aliabad, H Vahidi, Muhammad Khalid, M Samsami, Rifat Jawaria, Optical & Quantum Electronics, 54, 435, 2022
- Optical, electronic structure, magnetic, NMR and hyperfine field properties of BiMPO5 and BiM2PO6 compounds (M=Ni, Co, Mn, Cu): a comparative DFT study
F Amiri-Shookoh, H. A. Rahnamaye Aliabad, H Tavakoli-Anbaran, M Samsami, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 54, 350, 2022
- Optoelectronic properties of La2CoO4 and LaSrCoO4 Ruddlesden-Popper compounds: Comparative experimental and DFT studies by GGA/MBJ+ U
T Ghorbani-Moghadam, H. A. Rahnamaye Aliabad, M Mousavi, Materials Science and Engineering B, 286, 116074, 2022
- Fluorinated derivatives of tetrahydroaltersolanol molecule on COVID-19, HIV, and HTLV protease by DFT and molecular docking approaches
Maliheh Azadparvar, M Kheirabadi, H. A. Rahnamaye Aliabad, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 28, 350, 2022
- The Structural, Electronic, Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Full-Heusler Co2CrAl and Cr2MnSb: An Ab Initio Study
Sara J. Yahya , Mohammed S. Abu-Jafar, Said Al Azar, Ahmad A. Mousa, Rabah Khenata, Doha Abu-Baker and Mahmoud Farout , Crystal, 12, 1580, 2022
- Investigation of the physical properties of CoRuVAl equiatomic quaternary Heusler alloy using first-principles calculations
V. Aravindan, A. K. Rajarajan, V. Vijayanarayanan, M. Mahendran, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 647, 414370, 2022
- First-principles study of structural disorder, site preference, chemical bonding and transport properties of Mg-doped tetrahedrite
Kapera K., Koleżyński A., Computational Materials Science, vol. 213 (2022) art. no. 111681, p. 1–11
- Influence of (Ba,F) multidoping on structural, magnetic, optical, and electrical properties as well as performance enhancement of multiferroic BiFeO
Shahrbano Rahimi, Reyhaneh Ebrahimi-Jaberi, Farhad Jalali-Asadabadi, Leila Mollabashi, and S. Jalali-Asadabadi, Phys. Rev. B 106, 115205 (2022)
- Natural band alignment of BAlN and BGaN alloys
Yuichi Ota, Masataka Imura, Ryan G. Banal, and Yasuo Koide, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55 455102 (2022)
- First-principles study of polar magnets corundum double-oxides Mn2FeMO6 (M = W and Mo)
Akbar Ali, H.I. Elsaeedy, Sami Ullah, Sayed Ali Khan, Imad Khan, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 563, 169942, (2022).
- Plasmon spectroscopy for the determination of Ti3C2Tx MXene few layer stacks architecture
T. Bilyk, H.-W. Hsiao, R. Yuan, M. Benchakar, A. Habrioux, S. Célérier, J.-M. Zuo, J. Pacaud and V. Mauchamp, 2D Materials, 9, 035107 (2022)
- Structural and optoelectronic properties of Ge- and Si -based inorganic two dimensional Ruddlesden Popper halide perovskites
Izaz Ul Haq, Gul Rehman, H.A. Yakout, Imad Khan, Materials Today Communications, 33, 104368, (2022).
- First-principles investigations of the half-metallic ferromagnetic LaCoTiIn equiatomic quaternary Heusler alloy for spintronics
V Aravindan, AK Rajarajan, V Vijayanarayanan, M Mahendran, Functional Materials Letters, 15, 2251011, 2022
- First-principles calculations on novel Co-based Equiatomic Quaternary Heusler Alloys for Spintronics
V Aravindan, AK Rajarajan, V Vijayanarayanan, M Mahendran, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing,150, 106909, 2022
- First-Principles Calculation of Optoelectronic Properties in 2D Materials: The Polytypic WS2 Case
Louis Maduro, Sabrya van Heist, and Sonia Conesa-Boj, ACS Phys. Chem Au 2, 191–198, 2022
- Band-gap engineering of rutile-structured SnO2−GeO2−SiO2 alloy system
Hitoshi Takane, Yuichi Ota, Takeru Wakamatsu, Tsutomu Araki, Katsuhisa Tanaka, and Kentaro Kaneko, Phys. Rev. Materials 6, 084604 (2022)
- The flow of the Berry curvature vector field
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- Possible evidence of delocalized excitons in Cr-doped PrFeO3: An experimental and theoretical realization
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- Search for New Half-Metallic Ferromagnets in Quaternary Diamond-Like Compounds I–II2–III–VI4 and I2–II–IV–VI4 (I = Cu; II = Mn, Fe, Co; III = In; IV = Ge, Sn; VI = S, Se, Te)
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- First principles study of Cu based Delafossite Transparent Conducting Oxides CuXO2 (X= Al, Ga, In, B, La, Sc, Y)
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- Structural, Chemical Bonding, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of XY3 (X = Al, Ga and Y = V, Nb, Cr, Mo) Compounds
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- First principles study of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of ferromagnetic Bi2Fe4O9
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- Optoelectronic properties of cubic BInGaN alloys matched to GaN for designing quantum well Lasers: First- principles study within mBJ exchange potential
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- Structural, electronic and elastic properties of KCaF3 and RbCaF3 for vacuum- ultraviolet-transparent lens materials
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- Electronic, structural, and magnetic properties of the quaternary Heusler alloy NiCoMnZ (Z=Al, Ge, and Sn)
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- Structural and optoelectronic properties of Mg substituted ZTe (Z=Zn, Cd and Hg)
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- Ab initio studies of electric field gradients and magnetic properties of uranium dipnicties
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- Structural and Magnetic Properties of "TlTF3" (T=Fe, Co and Ni) by Hybrid Functional Theory
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- Electronic and optical modeling of solar cell compound CuXY2 (X 5 In, Ga, Al; Y 5 S, Se, Te): first-principles study via Tran–Blaha-modified Becke–Johnson exchange potential approach
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- Effects of dangling bonds and diameter on the electronic and optical properties of InAs nanowires
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- First principle study of structural and electronic properties of cubic quaternary BxGa1−x As1−yNy alloys
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- Theoretical investigation of electronic structure and optical response and their interrelation with the transport properties of Ga1-xInxN (x=0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75)
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- First principles study of structural, optical, and electronic properties of zinc mercury chalcogenides
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- Electrical conductivity plus probability of superconductivity in a-CuSe/klockmannite; bulk and nano-layers
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- Structural, elastic, electronic, magnetic and optical properties of RbSrX(C, SI, Ge) half-Heusler compounds
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- Electronic, thermoelectric and magnetic properties of La2NiMnO6 and La2CoMnO6
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- Structural, electronic and optical properties of AgXY2(X = Al, Ga, In and Y = S, Se, Te)
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- Structural, electronic and optical properties of orthorhombic and triclinic BiNbO4 determined via DFT calculations
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- Optoelectronic and transport properties of Zintl phase KBa2Cd2Sb3 compound
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- Optoelectronic behavior of Quaternary Uranium Chalcogenides Rb2Pd3UM6 (M = S, Se): A first principle study
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- Ab initio study of the structural, electronic, elastic and thermal properties of RMn2Ge2 (R = Ca, Nd and Y) intermetallic compounds
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- Electronic structure, Fermi surface topology and spectroscopic optical properties of LaBaCo2O5.5 compound
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- Investigations of the half-metallic behavior and the magnetic and thermodynamic properties of half-Heusler CoMnTe and RuMnTe compounds: A first-principles study
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- Towards a deeper understanding of physical and chemical properties of Ag2Hg□I4 and Cu2Hg□I4 defective crystals, from first principles calculations
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- Half-metallic ferromagnetism in V-doped ZnTe semiconductor at reduced dopant concentration
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- Theoretical investigation of band gap and optical properties of ZnO1-xTex alloys (x= 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1)
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- Optoelectronic behavior of Quaternary Uranium Chalcogenides Rb2Pd3UM6 (M = S, Se): A first principle study
Haleem Ud Din, Sikander Azam, Saleem Ayaz Khan, R. Khenata, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 615, (2014), 507-513
- Shift of band gap from indirect to direct and optical response of CaO by doping S, Se, Te
Naeemullah, G. Murtaza, R. Khenata, A. Safeer, Z.A. Alahmed, S. Bin Omran, Computational Materials Science 91, (2014), 43-49
- Adsorption of Co and Ni on Graphene with Double Hexagonal Symmetry: Electronic and Magnetic properties
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- Electronic and magnetic properties of iron adsorption on graphene with double hexagonal geometry
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- Structural, electronical and thermal properties of XVO4 (X = Y, Gd) vanadate crystals
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- Size-induced moment formation on isolated Fe atoms embedded in a nanocrystalline Ta matrix: Experiment and theory
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- Relative stability and phase transitions under pressure of SrTiO3: ab initio FP-LAPW within GGA-PBEsol+TB-mBJ calculations.
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- First -principles study of electronic and elastic properties of EuCd and GdCd
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- Half-metallic ferromagnetism in ordered LaBaCo2O6 and disordered La0.5Ba0.5CoO3: DFT+U study
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- Evidence for Topologically Protected Surface States and a Superconducting Phase in [Tl4]Tl(1−x)Sn(x)Te3 Using Photoemission, Specific Heat, and Magnetization Measurements, and Density Functional Theory
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- Electronic band structure and optoelectronic properties of SrCu2X2 (X = As, Sb): DFT calculation
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- Chemical stability and defect formation in CaHfO3
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- Shift of band gap from indirect to direct and optical response of CaO by doping S, Se, Te
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- Structural stability, elastic and electronic properties of zincblende (GaN)1/(ZnO)1 superlattice: Modified Becke–Johnson exchange potential
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- Phase transition, electronic and optical properties of mercury chalcogenides under pressure
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- Electronic, optical and bonding properties of MgYZ2 (Y=Si, Ge; Z=N, P) chalcopyrites from first principles
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- Electronic and Optic Properties of Cubic Spinel CdX2O4 (X=In, Ga, Al) through Modified Becke-Johnson Potential
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- Understanding ferromagnetism and optical absorption in 3d transition metal-doped cubic ZrO2 with the modified Becke-Johnson exchange-correlation functional
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- Three dimensional topological insulators of CuxAu1-xInTe2 alloys
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- Thermoelectric properties of "SbNCa3" and "BiNCa3" for thermoelectric devices and alternative energy applications
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- First-principles study of optical properties of α-CuSe/klockmannite: Bulk and nano-layers
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- Linear and nonlinear optical properties for AA and AB stacking of carbon nitride polymorph (C3N4)
A. H. Reshak, Saleem Ayaz Khan and S. Auluck, RSC Adv., 4, 11967, 2014
- Thermoelectric properties of a single graphene sheet and its derivatives
A. H. Reshak, Saleem Ayaz Khan and S. Auluck, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2, 2346, 2014
- Optoelectronic Properties, Elastic Moduli and Thermoelectricity of SrAlGa: An Ab Initio Study
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- Ab initio study of structural, electronic, magnetic and optical properties of Ti-doped ZnTe and CdTe
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- Towards from indirect to direct band gap and optical properties of XYP2 (X=Zn, Cd; Y=Si, Ge, Sn)
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- Phase transition, electronic and optical properties of NaCl under pressure
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- Structural, chemical bonding, electronic and magnetic properties of KMF3 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) compounds
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- Structural, electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of cubic REGa3 (RE = Sc or Lu) compounds: Ab initio study
G. Murtaza, S.K. Gupta, T. Seddik, R. Khenata, Z.A. Alahmed, R. Ahmed, H. Khachai, P.K. Jha, S. Bin Omran, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 597 (2014) 36–44
- Physical properties and electronic structure of LaNi5 compound before and after hydrogenation: An experimental and theoretical approach
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- Dispersion of the second harmonic generation from CdGa2X4 (X = S, Se) defect chalcopyrite: DFT calculations
A.H. Reshak, Saleem Ayaz Khan, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 595, 125, 2014
- Structural phase transition, mechanical and optoelectronic properties of the tetragonal NaZnP: Ab-initio study
A. Djied, H. Khachai, T. Seddik, R. Khenata, A. Bouhemadou, N. Guechi, G. Murtaza, S. Bin-Omran, Z.A. Alahmed, M. Ameri, Computational Materials Science, 84 (2014) 396-403
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- Optoelectronic properties of XYAs2 (X=Zn, Cd; Y=Si, Sn) chalcopyrite compounds
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- Electronic structure and optical properties of chalcopyrite CuYZ2 (Y=Al, Ga, In; Z=S, Se): an ab initio study
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- Density of states, optical and thermoelectric properties of perovskite vanadium fluorides Na3VF6
A.H. Reshaka, Sikander Azam, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 358-359, 16–22, 2014
- The first-principles study on physical properties and phase stability of Boron-V (BN, BP, BAs, BSb and BBi) compounds
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- Electronic band structure and specific features of AA- and AB-stacking of carbon nitride (C3N4): DFT calculation
A. H. Reshak, Saleem Ayaz Khan and S. Auluck, RSC Adv., 4, 6957, 2014
- Thermoelectric properties, electronic structure and optoelectronic properties of anisotropic Ba2Tl2CuO6 single crystal from DFT approach
A.H. Reshak, Saleem Ayaz Khan, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 354, 216–221, 2014
- Valence state, hybridization and electronic band structure in the charge ordered AlV2O4
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- Detailed DFT studies of the band profiles and optical properties of antiperovskites SbNCa3 and BiNCa3
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- Origin of ferromagnetism in the half-Heusler XRbCs compounds (X=N, P and As)
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- Structural and optoelectronic properties of PbSxSe1−x, PbSxTe1−x and PbSexTe1−x via first-principles calculations
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- Structural, elastic, thermal, electronic and optical properties of Ag2O under pressure
Haleem Ud Din , A.H. Reshak, Computational Materials Science, 83 (2014) 474–480
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- Optoelectronic and thermoelectric properties of KAuX5 (X = S, Se): a first principles study
Wilayat Khan, A. H. Reshak, J Mater Sci., 49, 1179–1192, 2014
- Electronic Structure, Electronic Charge Density and Optical Properties Analyses of Rb2Al2B2O7 Compound: DFT Calculation
A. H. Reshak, Z. A. Alahmed, Sikander Azam, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9, 975 - 989, 2014
- Mutual alloying of XAs (X = Ga, In, Al) materials: Tuning the optoelectronic and thermodynamic properties for solar energy applications
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- Thermoelectric Properties, Effective Mass, Chemical Bonding, and Optical Properties of 1,3,6-trimetylo-alloxazine: C13H12N4O2
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- Electronic Structure, Electronic Charge Density and Optical Properties of 3-methyl-1,4-dioxo-1, 4-dohydronaphthalen-2-yl-sulfanyl (C13H10O4S)
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- The effects of 5f localization on the electronic and magnetic properties of the hexagonal U3ZrSb5
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- First Principles Study of Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of the Fluoroperovskite RbCaF3 Crystal
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- X-ray photoelectron spectrum, X-ray diffraction data, and electronic structure of chalcogenide quaternary sulfide Ag2In2GeS6: experiment and theory
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©2001 by P. Blaha and K. Schwarz